Social Center & Social Forums
- If necessitated, take concerns to an adult right away– your parent, your instructor, or the Social Forums/Minecraft™ moderator.
- Bring all concerns to the moderator privately (e.g. Do not confront another student publicly in the forums).
- Avoid confronting other students directly.
- Athena’s Rules and Regulations are located in Athena’s Handbook. Review the Rules and Regulations Athena’s Handbook before posting.
Review: Netiquette & Awareness before posting.
- The Social Forums moderator is Headmistress Artemis.
Contact Headmistress Artemis at
General Information
- The Social Center is a place for Athena’s students to learn about the leadership opportunities at Athena’s and to have fun!
It’s a place to go to learn about how to get involved and how to connect with others. - Students currently enrolled at Athena’s will see the “Social Center – Featuring the Social Forums” link listed in their “My Courses” list when logged into the Classroom website.
- The Social Forums is a place for Athena’s students to have fun!
It’s a place to go when you aren’t working on your work from class and to relax with your friends from Athena’s.
- All of the forums are located in the Social Center – Featuring the Social Forums room at Athena’s, except for MiniWorld.
- MiniWorld has its own room because it is so vast. Collectively they are still known as the Social Forums.
- If you are enrolled in a current course but cannot enter the Social Forums, please alert the
Social Forums Moderator: Headmistress Artemis at
(Remember to explain the issue thoroughly so that she understands what is happening and what you need.) - Click on the Social Center – Featuring the Social Forums link in your “My Courses” list to take you there.
- Under the “My Courses” section, you should see a link for “Social Center – Featuring the Social Forums” and a separate link for “MiniWorld.”
- If you are enrolled in a current course but cannot enter the MiniWorld Forum, please alert the
Social Forums Moderator: Headmistress Artemis at
(Remember to explain the issue thoroughly so that she understands what is happening and what you need.) - Click on the respective link to take you there or click on the MiniWorld portal in the Social Center.
The Social Forums Moderator is Headmistress Artemis. You may contact her at You can find out more about Headmistress Athena and Headmistress Artemis in the Social Forums.
If necessitated, take concerns to an adult right away– your parent, your instructor, or the Social Forums/Minecraft™ moderator.
Bring all concerns to your instructor privately (e.g. not in the forums).
Avoid confronting other students directly.
Athena’s Webinar Rules are located in Athena’s Handbook.
Please refer to the Athena’s Handbook for the list of our Webinar Rules.
- The first thing you should do is to review the rules located in the Athena’s Handbook and review any announcements in the Social Forums.
- The next step is to access an individual forum. You’ll notice different forum names such as Mini World, Poem Forum, Other Friendly Conversations, The Book Nook, and Continue the Story.
- Click on one of the links to access a forum.
- Once you have arrived at a forum, you will notice a short description and a button that says “Add a New Discussion Topic.”
- If other students have already posted, you will also see their posts and replies.
- If you would like to start a new discussion, click on “Add a New Discussion Topic” and follow the directions by adding a subject and message. Once you are satisfied with your post, you may press “Post to forum” located near the bottom of the webpage.
- If you would like to reply to a post that your classmate has posted, click on “reply” under their post.
If you have an idea for a forum, find an appropriate section and post a thread.
If the thread grows to the point where it is too big for that section, we will create a new section.
- Go to the course dashboard and click on the participants’ list.
If you are unsure of where the Course Dashboard is, look for the information about it in the Classroom Support section.
- Certainly! The forum posts are more informal than the ones for class, so as long as your writing is positive, friendly, and polite, feel free to add a little fun to the forum posts.
You may want to look in the Tips & Tricks section under “How to Create Hidden Text” if you want to add hidden text using colors. - Remember, non-classroom emojis are not supported at this time. If you try to post them, your post will not save. Just delete them and post.
- As with any course at Athena’s Advanced Academy, posts should be positive, friendly, and polite. Please be sure to visit Social Forums often!
- Be sure users have set their settings to Select “No: don’t automatically subscribe me to forum discussions” as seen in the Email Notifications section.
- For our courses, students are automatically added to the course forums and will receive notifications. To find out more about notification settings, please refer to the information in the Athena’s Resources.
- In the Social Forums, students are in charge of adding themselves and withdrawing themselves from receiving notifications for the forums.
By default, students are not added to the Social Forums.
To receive notifications:
- When replying to a Social Forum post, select “Advanced Settings” and then navigate to the Subscription section.
Click the “Send me notifications of new posts in this forum.”
To unsubscribe:
- To unsubscribe, reverse the process.
Users may also click the unsubscribe button located in their email. - Please note, every post has a subscription, so be mindful of how many forums the user has subscribed to.