Netiquette & Awareness

Digital Etiquette

Please review your posts and consider your statements on the Athena’s website and during webinars using the following steps:

  1. Is this something you would say “in real life”? For example, would you say this in person to your parent or a friend?
    1. Yes– Go to step 2.
    2. No — Don’t post it.
  2. Might other people reading your post consider it bragging or comparing yourself to others?
    1. No — Go to step 3.
    2. Yes– Don’t post it.
  3. Might other people reading your post think that you’re criticizing someone else?
    1. No — Go to step 4.
    2. Yes– Don’t post it. If necessitated, take concerns to an adult right away— your parent, your educator, or the Social Forums/Minecraft™ moderator.
  4. Are you sharing too much information? For example, is this something that might embarrass your classmates and/or educator?
    1. No — Go to step 5.
    2. Yes– Don’t post it.
  5. Does your post or statement violate the privacy of someone else, either someone at Athena’s or someone you know in real life?
    1. No — Go to step 6.
    2. Yes– Don’t post it.
  6. Does your post contain words that are considered rude, crude, or obscene?
    1. No — Go to step 7.
    2. Yes– Don’t post it.
  7. Would your post be rated G by the MPA? 
    1. Yes– Go to step 8.
    2. No — Don’t post it. (unless otherwise allowed and specifically indicated by the educator in the case of PG or PG-13).
  8. Might someone reading your post take it as a threat?
    1. No — Go to step 9.
    2. Yes– Don’t post it.
  9. Does your post make you feel uneasy, like perhaps you shouldn’t post it?
    1. No — Go to step 10.
    2. Yes– Don’t post it or check with an adult.
  10. Will your post make the Athena’s environment more friendly and welcoming?
    1. Yes– You can post it! Provided, of course, that you’ve made it through the other criteria!
    2. No — Don’t post it.

Athena’s reserves the right to change, hide, or delete any information posted on an Athena’s platform if it offends or could potentially offend other students, educators, or administrators or is in violation of a policy at Athena’s

Students: If necessitated, remember to take concerns to an adult right away— your parent, your educator, or the Social Forums/Minecraft™ moderator. Bring all concerns to your educator or the moderator privately (e.g. not in the forums). Avoid confronting other students directly.

  • Video: Digital Etiquette

Digital Awareness

Learn to spot false information online in Internet Super Sleuths with Dr. Kirsten!

  • Video: Safe Web Surfing: Top Tips for Kids and Teens Online Take a moment to watch this video about how to surf safely online ~ it includes tips for kids & teens.

When researching information, it is good to look for a few things before you use the information as a source for your research.

Just remember P.R.O.P.! Watch this video to find out what P.R.O.P. stands for!